Thursday, February 17, 2011


The program Inspiration can be used in classrooms everywhere.  First, I could use it as a teacher to help organize and plan concept maps for my lessons.  I could also use it  to help me create certain subjects on tests, such as creating concept maps that the students would have to fill in on their papers.  It is also a great tool to make outlines.  Inspiration has many useful templates already created for teachers to use.  For example, one map or outline could be used to help show relationships between characters in a novel or play.  I could also look up outlines that I could use for different concepts in science such as the water cycle or energy.  All of the pre-made outlines/maps can be used either as an instructional tool or as a testing element.  Students can also use Inspiration to create their own concept maps to ensure their understanding of the material.  I can also use Inspiration to create graphic organizers for my students, so they can use them to follow along in the lesson.  It's a program I could use to make worksheets with as well to expand students knowledge.  It also could be created as a study guide, by giving the students maps and outlines to fill in.  Lastly, it can be used even in Kindergarten, because I can add pictures to the maps to give more visual aid to younger learners.  This program is just extremely useful in the classroom.

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